Case studies

Man holding mouth
RCT hazard

2 May 2002

Ingestion of an instrument during root canal treatment which subsequently caused the patient symptons.

Damage from air polisher

7 April 2002

Alleged damage to upper central incisor during tobacco stain removal with an air-jet polisher by a dental hygienist.

Fractured instruments

7 April 2002

A patient was left with fragments of fractured instruments in two upper pre-molar teeth following root canal treatment. Subsequently both teeth were heavily restored but have a poor prognosis.

After-effects from local analgesia

5 April 2002

A patient suffered extended swelling, numbness and bruising following dental treatment under local analgesia.

Misdiagnosed root fracture

5 April 2002

Failure to diagnose root fracture resulting in inappropriate treatment and inevitable loss of an upper central incisor.

GDC Professional Conduct Committee

1 April 2002

A dentist was brought before the Professional Conduct Committee for failing to advise the parents personally of his decision to remove their children from his list.

Wrong tooth extracted

6 March 2002

An orthodontist recommended removal of a patient's upper first pre-molar teeth but unfortunately the dentist removed the equivalent lower teeth by mistake.

Delayed referal

1 March 2002

Displacement of upper third molar into maxillary antrum. Failure to determine its position and arrange prompt and appropriate specialist referral.

Unexpected complication of dental extraction

5 February 2002

The unexpected complication of a fractured tuberosity during the removal under general anaesthesia of an upper second molar. The patient was immediately referred to a specialist unit.

Administrative error

1 February 2002

A number of administrative errors resulted in delay treating LR7 and its subsequent unnecessary loss.