Latest updates and advice

We are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Dog holding toothbrush
Can dentists treat animals, and what are the rules on assistance dogs?

24 January 2022

What are the dento-legal implications of treating animals?

Toy tooth wearing Christmas hat
'Tis the season to be jolly careful

16 December 2021

How would you respond to these festive dilemmas?

Responding to members' concerns during the pandemic

19 November 2021

Since lockdown began, the profession has been faced with a torrent of new challenges and guidance and hundreds of DDU members have turned to our dento-legal helpline for help and support.

Vial of botulinum toxin being prepared for injection
Change in law on botulinum toxin and cosmetic fillers for under 18s

18 October 2021

Fillers and Botox cannot be administered to under 18s for cosmetic reasons in England.

Medal against grey background
Royal recognition for DDU employee training programme

23 August 2021

The excellence of the Dental Defence Union’s employee training has been recognised by HRH the Princess Royal.

Useful resources

21 July 2021

The position regarding COVID-19 continues to change. Our advice is to stay up to date with the latest guidance from relevant government departments and agencies. See below for links to some of the relevant websites across the four nations.

Safeguarding vulnerable patients
Safeguarding vulnerable patients

4 May 2021

Dento-legal adviser Sarah Ide explores how dental professionals can help safeguard vulnerable patients, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dentist talking to a patient
Good communication with patients

15 December 2020

The importance of good communication with patients and how it can help prevent a complaint.